pink ribbons and rocks

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

almost done

mom is 2/3 finished w/the radiation. she remains positive but tired. she is going home from work at 4 and letting beata clean the house.

i feel bad because i had food again for her, but we both forgot about the stash in the freezer until after she left this weekend. she, unnecessarily so, feels bad that she can't help watch the kids next week.

i also feel bad because i haven't posted much on this blog. but i guess it's just here when we need it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

taking effect

mom is almost halfway through the radiation. doc says all is well, but she's been tired a few times. she is overdoing it, trying to do too much. i know it's hard to be easy on yourself. soon, she might not have any choice: she could be exhausted even if she scales back.

Friday, January 06, 2006

happy birthday!

happy birthday, mom! sorry i'm posting with only two hours left in the day. i wish you many more.